Despite my affinity for computer-y things I’d never expected to work in tech. I’d started my career in tourism marketing and loved it. I got to travel and to write. The industry was fun and I felt like I’d found my place.
Late one night, over a bit of whiskey, a new acquaintance said he heard I knew how to code. He needed help coding a website he’d designed. I said I’d give it a shot.
I guess it went well, because Nik and I are still business partners to this day.
Over the years we wrote lots of nice words, built a bunch of nice websites (plus some Realtor® sites too), designed some lovely identities and generally put out some quality work.
A little later on, we built a little web page to sell tickets for a local music festival. It turned out that was an even more fun business to be in. So we wound down Dialect and moved all our energy to Tickit.